Request for Proposal
Following the approval from the Board of Supervisors, on January 25, 2023, the County of Los Angeles issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a master Proposer to design, construct, finance, operate, and maintain a proposed mixed-use development on the project site which includes the historic General Hospital located at 1200 N. State St. Los Angeles, CA 90033, as well as underdeveloped portions of the Medical Center's West Campus.
The County’s vision for the project site features affordable and market-rate housing, commercial spaces, office and economic opportunity spaces, community-oriented space, open space, parking and mobility access hubs, and other infrastructure.
To access the RFP documents, click on the link below.
The RFP submission deadline is June 2, 2023
Following the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, the County of Los Angeles committed to constructing a replacement hospital to meet the growing needs of a modern medical center campus. Upon the opening of the new medical center in 2008, the historic General Hospital building became largely vacant. The building is adjoined to the west by several vacant and underutilized areas, collectively known as West Campus. Together, the General Hospital and West Campus areas make up the proposed project site. Future development of these areas is seen to support a mission-aligned reuse of the historic General Hospital building alongside a revitalization of the entire project site to benefit both the medical campus and the community.
The County’s primary reason for issuing the RFP is to execute on Supervisor Hilda L. Solis’s vision for a “Healthy Village.” The “Healthy Village” aims to support the County's most vulnerable populations and address critical community needs such as low-income and high-need population affordable housing, and wrap-around community services informed by the Whole Person Care concept.
Release of RFP 1/25/2023
RSVP Deadline for Pre-proposal Meeting 2/1/2023
Non-mandatory Site-walk 2/8/2023
RFP Amendment 2/14/2023
Release of Addendum #1 2/23/2023
Mandatory Site-walk 3/1/2023
Make-up Mandatory Site-walk 3/8/2023
Release of Addendum #2 3/14/2023
Deadline for Questions 3/24/2023
Release of Addendum #3 (includes Answers to Questions) 4/14/2023
Proposal Submission Deadline 6/2/2023
Short-Listed Proposers Selected for Interviews 7/21/2023
Proposer Interviews 7/31/2023
Preferred Proposer Selected 8/21/2023
Preferred Proposer Notified / Initiate Board Calendar Process 9/18/2023
Board of Supervisors Cluster Briefing process completed (Economic Development Policy Committee) 10/10/2023
Board of Supervisors Final Approval of Proposer and Authority to Engage an ENA 10/24/2023
Questions regarding the RFP should be directed to DEO@opportunity.lacounty.gov. All documents related to the RFP and referenced above can be accessed on the DEO Open Solicitation portal doingbusiness.lacounty.gov or via this link.
Developer Engagement
Industry Day
On December 14th, 2022, Supervisor Hilda L. Solis hosted joined by Medical Center CEO Jorge Orozco, Kelly LoBianco, Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Economic Opportunity, and Mark Pestrella, P.E., Director Los Angeles County Public Works, hosted an Industry Day event for the developer community and interested stakeholders. This event's purpose was to:
Excite interest in the developer and investor communities and the public-at-large for this remarkable redevelopment opportunity
Promote the forthcoming release of the RFP
Demonstrate the County's commitment to the site
Highlight the history, scope, and scale of the building and project site while embedding community voice/perspective as a key element of any future development
Please click here to watch a recording of the event.

Site Walks
On February 8th, 2023, a Non-Mandatory Site Walk was held to excite interest in the project among development, architectural, and construction firms. Nearly 100 attendees toured publicly accessible spaces including a first-floor tour of the Historic General Hospital, key vantages of the General Hospital grounds and exterior spaces, and a walking tour of West Campus.
On March 1st and March 8th, 2023, two Mandatory Site Walks were held. Attendance at one of the site walks is required in order to submit a proposal. Collectively, more than 100 attendees representing greater than 70 firms participated in a two-hour inspection tour into areas of the General Hospital and West Campus to learn more about the specifics of the building and the site. A list of attendees was included in the March 14, 2023 addendum #2.
Evaluation Advisory Group for Community Benefits
As part of the proposal evaluation process, an Evaluation Advisory Group (EAG) will be formed to assess each proposal's approach to Community Benefits. The Community Benefits EAG is an integral part of the RFP process serving as an expert representative of community needs surrounding the General Hospital campus. The EAG will be an intimate size in order to facilitate conversation, consensus, and efficient execution of ideas/considerations during the review period.
The EAG is intended to provide a review of the developer proposals related to the “community engagement” section of each proposal, in order to assess each developer’s level of understanding and alignment to the General Hospital Feasibility Study report, such as: neighborhood history and context; demographics; issues/concerns from the community; future neighborhood considerations; affordability of housing; and other creative considerations revealed by the developer that demonstrates their understanding of the community’s needs.
The EAG will be formed in May and will meet in June. Members of the community who are interested in being considered for a seat on the Community Benefits EAG may submit their name and email via the form below.
Membership is limited and will be balanced to create a cohort of diverse perspectives with deep roots in the community. Members must be able to attend all required meetings and commit the necessary time to review and assess the proposals, which is estimated at 20 total hours between June 5th and June 30th. Members must also be willing and able to sign conflict of interest and non-disclosure statements.
Invitations will be sent in mid-May with the EAG to be seated by the end of May.