Equity Diversity Inclusion Antiracism Initiative (EDIAI)

The seeds of the EDIA Initiative were planted in the summer of 2020, following the killing of George Floyd and the global uprising against anti-Black racism. Both executive leadership and staff across Health Services were already discussing the importance of this work, even before the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors issued their powerful call for a County-wide antiracist agenda in July 2020.
The EDIA Initiative, launched in December of 2020, seeks to identify and root out systemic racism within Health Services, transform the policies and practices that in the past may have contributed to inequitable employment and patient care, and create lasting change in our organization and our community. We are committed to doing whatever we can to end race- and identity-based disparities in
healthcare, and we want to build a culture that makes it safe to have hard conversations, welcomes diverse perspectives, and creates equitable opportunities for people of all backgrounds.
This multi-year EDIA Initiative engages stakeholders across all sectors of Health Services to bring their perspectives, experiences, and ideas for change to the table. Together we can build a more equitable organization through an intentional, phased development process. The initial strategic planning stage will lay the foundation for the subsequent implementation and evaluation phases of the Initiative.